Category: Newsroom

by adminsdf / on 7 December, 2009

H.O.P.E. Marisule Road Project

Motorists in the north will soon have an alternate route between Corinth and the Gros Islet highway with the creation of two thousand (2,000) feet of motorable road from what was only a track. The new road is being constructed compliments of the Holistic
by adminsdf / on 27 November, 2009

Twadysion Noel 2009

The St Lucia Social Development Fund (SSDF) (formally the Poverty Reduction Fund, PRF) in collaboration with Consolidated Foods Limited (CFL) is once again undertaking a Christmas relief project for approximately forty-six (46) extremely poor families in St Lucia. Dubbed “Twadisyon Noel Project” the initiative
by adminsdf / on 24 November, 2009

Rose Hill Drainage Project

Residents of Rose Hill in Castries will benefit from extensive drainage repair works currently being carried out by the Holistic Opportunity for Personal Empowerment (HOPE) project. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in infrastructure is also expected to be saved following the work.   The