Ravine Poisson is located in the Bexon community. There currently exist a 50 year old public facility in the community which serves the residents, but it has become dilapidated due to a history of poor maintenance and increased demand by residents. Of the three components of the facility (shower, toilet and laundry) only one shower and toilet are presently functional for both male and female which creates a situation of lack of privacy. Pipes in the laundry are broken or leaking and the walls within the facility are falling apart. The toilet is broken and mold grows quickly on the unpainted concrete surface as the showers are uncovered creating difficulties for the caretakers to maintain. The roof of the laundry, toilet area and iron beams are corroded and the wood covering is rotten.
The newly constructed facility will improve the sanitary conditions/services offered to the residents of Ravine Poisson. A water resource and sanitation management training component is planned for residents. The facility will also provide safe pipe borne water to residents with the construction of a water tank, as they still rely heavily on natural springs. This project is funded by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)/Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) Program 7 and the Government of St. Lucia at a cost of USD 184,309.00/EC$ 496,694.00.