Support Services


These consist of a number of socio-economic programs providing public assistance, skills training, capacity building and institutional strengthening. Such programmes are delivered to vulnerable and/or at-risk households and communities through our strategic and valued partnerships with various social agencies.


Education Assistance Programme

This program delivers educational services and support to poor families and the economically disadvantaged. It is designed to enable these households to focus their limited resources on developing strategic and sustainable livelihoods.


Housing Assistance Programme

Funded by the Government of Saint Lucia and the European Union (EU) under the Special Framework of Assistance (SFA) regime of funding this program provides assistance to needy and indigent individuals who live in deplorable housing conditions.Special consideration is given to the elderly, persons with disability and households with young children, as well as households affected by natural disasters and fires.


Koudmein Ste Lucie

Is a holistic intervention program designed to give Psycho-Social support to families living in extreme poverty. This program allows the agency to pool its resources, coordinate its services and build social networks for the:


  • Eradication of extreme poverty
  • Implementation of comprehensive and social protection programs and
  • Reduction of poverty and vulnerability in Saint Lucia specifically in the communities highlighted by The Country Poverty Assessment as being highly vulnerable and indigent.

Through this outreach, specially trained family social workers, support counselors and community officers maintain regular visitations with indigent households over a 2-year period, building close relationships and becoming a conduit through which support is administered. The families commit to participating in all the initiatives and programmes geared towards the improvement of their quality of life in areas of identification, health, education, family dynamics, housing, work and income. These areas of intervention are considered to be the pillars or foundation upon which the bridge is built to allow families access to essential services and opportunities to get out of poverty.